Fossil fuels are a source of energy that has open a lot of

In the two decades since Industrial Revolution, consumption in fossil-fuels profoundly altered the way we live. The reality was quite grim. The life expectancy for the average person was 40 years old, the workweek was lengthy as well as the spread of disease and the majority of people lived with no frills. However, thanks fossil fuels our lives is better. Find out the ways fossil fuels have impacted the world.

Ezra Levant

Americans have spent more than 921 billion dollars in the year 2006 fossil fuels, which amounts to nearly seven percent of the nation’s total gross domestic product. This is more than what the country invests in its military and education all at once. Although the price to use fossil fuels decreased in recent years because of the effects of the recession however, fossil fuel costs will likely exceed $1 trillion in 2030. That’s a sign that in 2030, the United States will spend $360 billion annually on fossil fuels, mostly oil.

The increased the support of fossil fuels is triggered partly by the massive bailouts for state electric and oil companies. The support for fossil fuels will eventually become permanent, which could hinder efforts to eliminate fossil fuels. However it is the OECD insists that if governments stop their support for fossil fuels they should boost public funding in green energy. With the transfer of the most advanced technology to developing countries that can help reduce its dependency from fossil fuels.

Another possible solution to the current issue with global warming may be the storage and capture of carbon. While renewable energy sources might be suitable to replace fossil fuels in the near future but they aren’t able to substitute the energy sector in all its subsectors. Storage and capture of carbon (CCS) offers an option that allows for current requirements to be met as well as allowing the opportunity to design future strategies. However, this method is not ideal. At present fossil fuels is an essential component of the world’s economy, however there’s still a myriad of obstacles to overcome.

In the end, people are spending more money and this is causing a greater need for energy and more requirement of fossil fuels. China is an example. It is developing a coal-fired power plant each two weeks. This increase in energy demand has led to a rise in greenhouse gases that cause global warming. This trend is expected to persist in the long run as we continue to expand these industries, this is good for our world and our environment.

Fossil fuels are a source of energy that has open a lot of possibilities for humanity. These plants from the past turned into fossil fuels at intense pressure and high temperatures for thousands of years. The fossil fuels have enabled humans to extract more energy than what the sun can generate. This is not surprising that human health has seen a dramatic improvement in the last century. The usage of fossil fuels has changed the world. It is the foundation to the economy of all nations.

While biofuels are beneficial in many ways However, they also have difficulties. In one way, biofuels compete with arable land and food production. This makes them harder to make. On the other hand combustion of crops and municipal waste has lowered their carbon emissions compared to fossil fuels. However, there are some significant issues that remain. Biofuels aren’t yet efficient in terms of cost. However, they offer the potential of improving our environment as well as our energy sources.