One thing that the 98 percent of the interstitial cystitis pain patients

The one thing that the 98 percent of the interstitial cystitis/bladder pain patients can agree on is that the IC Diet does help, and it’s one of the things in our control. Sometimes , we wonder, “Why me?” However, think about it this way: most people will get “something” at some point. Certain people suffer from arthritis as well as diabetes, and certain suffer from more severe illnesses such as cancer. Interstitial cystitis is a “thing”. If you asked ten people in the street whether they’re supposed to monitor their diet in any way nine out of ten would answer yes ….and the last is lying.

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The positive side is that the individual’s IC diet doesn’t need to be as strict as you believe. The majority of IC patients discover that they can eat adequate and nutritious diet when they do some investigation to discover their trigger food items. That’s the idea behind an elimination-based diet. The majority of people don’t have to adhere to the strictest diet for long. While others IC patients offer great advice however, your food regimen is different from the other people’s.

The most important thing to bear on your mind is the fact that diet is not an effective treatment on its own. The majority of IC patients take certain medicines, and some require medical treatment such as bladder instillations or pelvic therapy. They may also need to make lifestyle adjustments such as changes to diet and managing stress. But ….my observations have shown me that the IC diet will always aid other treatments in their effectiveness.

Let’s take a look at the IC bladder in a differently. Consider the time you were a child and you had a knee injury that was painful. What did you do? Most likely that the person you were with cleaned it , and then put the bandage or medication on the area. You should give it time to get better.

What do you think if, 3 times a day, you removed the bandage, and then scraped some sand paper over the knee wound? It’s going to take much more time to heal wouldn’t it?

If we consume IC trigger food items, we’re at risk of compromising our health and possibly destroying the good that the medications have worked so hard to accomplish for us. In fact, I’m confident that when people are aware of what they eat when they are taking Elmiron this medication will have a greater rate of success rate…just an educated assumption!

Why wouldn’t it be a good idea to give your bladder the best chance to repair its bladder’s lining?

Remember that treatments for cystitis interstitial, such as those on the IC diet, can take time to take effect. Although it might seem like a depressing time but it can take several months or even years before you get better. If you’re currently suffering it is essential to keep your faith in yourself. You will eventually be better. The thousands of patients suffering from interstitial cystitis have proven this, but you must patience and spend some time helping yourself. If you’re in need of help seek out local support groups or join with fellow patients online through groups like those on the IC Diet Facebook page.

If you’re new IC patient, ….hang around and ……..ask questions. …… the personal health care professional. Keep a log or calendar. Note down your food habits as well as what’s going on with your day-to-day life what medications you’re trying, as well as what you’re feeling. If you’re unable to determine the cause, you can write it down and share it with a trusted family member or your physician. Sometimes, we’re too attached to a situation for us to notice the cause of our discomfort.