Signs that you are using bad services in fashion marketing agency

The relationship between client and marketing agency is a tender thing. It can be great, doomed from the start, or degrade over time. If you have not done your due diligence in the search or asked the right questions, you’ll probably find some red flags that make you question how the relationship is going.

If you aren’t sure that your current marketing agency is capable of executing a powerful marketing campaign, it might be time to reconsider your options and how you’re allocating your marketing budget.

fashion marketing services

An organization that promises to do your online marketing should have a strong online presence. If it’s been a while since you’ve checked out your agency’s website, now’s the time to pay them a digital visit. How is their blog content? Their social media presence? Their online reviews? If you can see that they are falling behind on their own marketing efforts, this is a sign that they are swamped with client work (maybe they’ve bitten off more than they can chew in order to keep the lights on, which is a bad sign for you), or that they aren’t particularly great at what they claim to be experts at.
Does your agency practice what they preach?


Communication Issues

Communication shouldn’t be a one way street. One of the vital signs it might be time for your company to look for a new marketing agency is when communication issues occur.

Here are some signs you might have communication Issues:

Unproductive telephone calls, agencies have difficulty giving timely answers

There is a delayed response for your email

Poor account management

Poor alignment in project scope

The deadlines have passed


Your Agency Isn’t Transparent

Your agency has to regularly update you on campaign performance, trends, budget spend, additional costs, etc. Vice versa, you should also be open with your agency, as communication can impact the agency performance. Observation tells that many of the marketing agencies are not transparent about the cost of the project leading to distrust between the agency and the client.


Your Agency Doesn’t Meet Goals

Marketing agencies should be able to establish realistic performance metrics and deadlines after you communicate your most important goals. If it is consistently unable to meet goals, then it should know how to make adjustments to goals and methodologies.Does it take a new approach? Does your agency even know how to learn from its earlier failed campaigns?


Your Agency Has Implemented a Poor Strategy

Having a strategy is the first step before launching a marketing initiative and that strategy should make sense to you and is in line with your company objectives. This is something that cannot be compromised.

The strategy should be documented, and it should take into account your business goals, marketing goals, success metrics, KPIs, and most notably, their deliverables, timelines, scope of work, and the tactics they plan to implement to get you from start to where the goal you want to be within the budget you’ve provided them.