Snoring and sleep apnea may be identified through your spouse

Sleep is an extremely important aspect to our everyday lives. According to the experts, we need to get around 9 hours of sleep to “recharge the batteries” to be energetic, lively, and ready to take on the day ahead. If sleep disorders disrupt our sleep patternsor decrease the quantity of restful rest that we receive, it will impact the efficiency of our functioning the following day. Sleep apnea is a prime example of this condition, and in this article , we’re going to have a look at snoring as well as sleep apnea, to discover the relationship between them and why they occur and then discuss ways they can be treated.

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Snoring is definitely a sign of sleep apnea, and is one of the most easy symptoms to detect, in fact it is often a cause of some confusion among spouses. But, it doesn’t mean that if you sleep you’re suffering from Sleep Apnea, but on the other hand, most of those who suffer from what’s called professionally “OSA”, (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) are snorers which means that in this instance sleeping apnea and snoring are interconnected.

Let’s begin by defining what exactly is OSA. OSA refers to a situation that causes breathing ceases for a brief duration (often more than 10 second) in the course of sleep. It alters the pattern of sleep which can alter your sleep pattern However, most of the time the patient does not awake, and therefore likely not be aware of the condition. To understand how sleep apnea and snoring can be related, we must take note of the causes that could be involved.

When we are awake when we are awake, the muscles of the upper throat open the airway which allows us to breathe. In the night, however the muscles in the upper part of our throat relax, however with most people, their airway is still open. However, in some individuals the throat is narrower and, when they sleep, it is completely closed, causing an increase in breathing, and the snoring. At times, the breathing ceases for short periods of time, and this is is known as sleep apnea.

In many instances such as the ones mentioned previously, snoring and sleep apnea may be identified through your spouse. It is typical for people who suffers from sleep apnea they begin to snore heavily when they fall asleep. If they stop snoring for an insignificant amount of time, and then and then a gasp occurs, or more frequently, an exaggerated “snort” which signifies that their breathing is stopped. It has also has resumptuated. For any person, this can be extremely annoying for both parties, and for the sufferer of apnea, it could cause excessive drowsiness throughout the day because their sleeping pattern is constantly disrupted, even when they don’t wake up.

If you are a person who sleeps alone there may be other signs that you should be aware to that could suggest that you have snoring issues and sleep apnea. If you do, you should make an appointment to consult with your physician. The symptoms are:

• Extreme drowsiness during the day, and falling asleep unintentionally.

* Waking up unrefreshed

Possible depression-related feelings

* Feelings of fatigue

* Poor memory

* Poor concentration

* Morning headaches

* Potential personality change

Children’s hyperactivity

* Leg swelling

To allow your doctor to be able to definitively diagnose sleep apnea, you’ll need undergo a polysomnogram (sleep diagnosis). Other tests your doctor might suggest include blood gas analysis of arterial blood as well as electrocardiogram (ECG) and the echocardiogram, or thyroid function tests.

There are certain things you can try to stop or reduce snoring or sleep apnea. It is possible to avoid drinking alcohol , or any other form of sedation before bed and putting in a device which moves the jaw forward and losing weight. If none of these work then your doctor might recommend CPAP, (continuous positive airway pressure). There are also a couple of surgical options; UPPP (Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty) which involve removing excess tissue from the back of the throat; a tracheotomy, (very rarely done), or for children, the removal of tonsils.

If properly treated sleeping apnea, snoring and snoring can be treated or prevented However, many people aren’t ready to undergo CPAP because they think it’s too intrusive.

Alternative therapies are Yoga and breathing exercises that can aid in strengthening the throat muscles to the point that they can prevent or lessen the impact of breathing problems like apnea or snoring. Some individuals find that changing their sleeping positions could help, particularly lifting the upper portion of their torso about 30 degrees. This can allow gravity’s force to aid.

It is nevertheless crucial that those suffering from snoring or sleep apnea must try to treat or ameliorate their condition as it could have severe consequences including cardiovascular diseases, (sufferers are 30 percent more susceptible to heart attack) and the high pressure of blood, strokes depression in clinical stages, and overweight.