Top 5 Side Effects Utilized to Perform Urogynaecological Procedures

Prolapse of the pelvic organ. It’s the term used when the pelvic organs in the body like the uterus, cervix the urethra, vagina, bladder, and rectum are prolapsed due to the disappearance of their supporting muscles and ligaments. It is an extremely serious issue and could lead to a myriad of complications, which is why it’s worth having an appropriate treatment.

transvaginal mesh side effects

Prolapse surgery. While some non-surgical options are accessible, the only viable option is surgical procedure. In terms of surgical options, the surgeon could opt for a repair using the use of a mesh surgically or may opt to strengthen of weak muscles in the patient’s natural or ligamentous supports. Based on the kind of organ that has prolapsed as well as the severity of the prolapse colporrhaphy of the bladder and urethra, vaginal surgery for uterus only, sacrocolpopexy or sacrospinous fixation of the ligament to vagina and uterus, as well as posterior repair of rectum and vagina and rectum, are all options that can be utilized. They are performed via vaginal, abdominal or laparoscopic approaches. These procedures can or might not be enhanced with the help the vaginal mesh. The mesh is a result of the effect of foreign bodies which causes a fibrosis to the surrounding structures , thereby giving them the strength they require.

Transvaginal mesh problems. While vaginal mesh implants offer the necessary support for the organs that are prolapsed, their use does not come without a few pitfalls. Certain types of them are risky and have led to controversy over their usage. In the next paragraphs are the five most frequently encountered complications that result from transvaginal mesh.

The procedure fails. This can be the most serious situation where the procedure isn’t effective for the patient. The anatomy of a patient’s internal organs does not warrant the necessity of using mesh, and if it is done in a forceful manner and the procedure has been rushed through, it could be unsuccessful.

Pain. As with all surgeries it is a negative result during the process. Vagina-related pain that is severe, pelvis, leg and lower abdomen are a typical consequence of mesh positioning. This is treated with painkillers. However, the persistent intensity of pain is difficult to cope with. It is typically the result of the impingement of the fibrotic tissue on the nerves of the pelvis, or from the direct trauma that occurs during surgery.

The graft can become infected. It is not a rare circumstance due in part the material used to make the graft is not native and is prone to become infected. The macroporous type 1 soft propylene mesh was found to be the most resistant and has the lowest rate of infection. The side effect manifests by causing fever, pain and leukocytosis in lab results and, if not treated promptly, it can result in sepsis.

Extrusion of mesh vaginal mesh, if it is not sutured correctly, may be extruded through the vagina and cause symptoms of discharge, pain and bleeding in the vagina. The bleeding can be painful and require support for transfusion. The mesh must be removed whilst making sure that there is enough hemostasis.

The mesh is eroded. The last but not least of the problems is the erosion the surgical mesh in the surrounding structures of the bladder as well as bowel, rectum and urethra, resulting in fistulae forming. This is a grave issue that requires the reversal of fistulae by surgery.