Types of Eating Disorders Treatment

People who have eating disorders often struggle for years without receiving treatment. The various types of eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating, and compulsive overeating. Anorexia nervosa involves a person’s inability to eat normally because of fear of becoming fat. People with this disorder will engage in dangerous and life-threatening eating patterns such as repeatedly eating small amounts of food and then purging the body by vomiting or engaging in self-induced vomiting, and fasting. People with bulimia nervosa engage in severe binge eating, binging once per week, in order to overcome feelings of shame or emotional burden caused by weight gain.

The different Levels of Eating Disorder Treatment Usually, eating disorders will range from short episodes of extreme limitation to long cycles of extreme dieting which can last several years. Some patients carry their patterns of binge eating or under-eating into adulthood. Some individuals continue to severely restrict calories even when gaining weight; however, this is called out-of-control or in-patient binge eating. In severe cases, there are people who engage in self-starvation and develop eating disorders such as Anorexia Nervosa.

CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, is one of the most effective treatment options available for this mental health disorder. This type of therapy is highly successful in eliminating the fears and anxieties that are responsible for the cycle of overeating. In this process, the patient will learn to recognize his or her negative thoughts and replace them with realistic thinking. Cognitive behavioral therapy is usually conducted in a one-on-one clinical setting, but in some cases it may be combined with outpatient treatment. People who enter into this type of treatment should have a stable lifestyle, as well as long-term goals that include healthy eating habits. Those individuals who go through and complete CBT treatment successfully are often able to maintain a healthy body weight and live a long life.

Eating Disorders Anonymous is another highly regarded treatment program. It is offered in various forms and is suitable for patients who need an intensive support system. However, because ED can be a dangerous illness, many people who suffer from it do not feel comfortable talking to a group of like-minded people. Therefore, ABA training is often offered in schools and hospitals as an alternative to in-house treatments.

Long-term success rates for this specialty treatments vary depending on the severity and frequency of the symptoms. One of the most commonly used therapies is CBT or cognitive behavior therapy. In this method of treatment, patients are guided through a series of sessions until they learn how to recognize their negative thoughts and replace them with more positive ones. For example, if a person believes he is overweight, he might begin to think about his favorite foods and what he could do to achieve a healthier body weight. In order to make sure they receive long-term success, therapists often use support groups.

Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa often have psychological and physical complications that must be treated. When one specialist treatment option doesn’t work for you, there are others available. Some specialists offer counseling or therapy in addition to or instead of medications. The medication treatments most often used are antidepressants or anticonvulsants.

Other types of psychotherapy are used in conjunction with medications. One common treatment option is psychiatric counseling, sometimes called counseling/therapy. This treatment option involves one or more sessions with a qualified psychiatrist or psychologist. Another option is to use outpatient services where patients regularly visit one counselor to talk about their symptoms. A treatment called stem or spinal subluxation therapy may also be used. This treatment involves moving or positioning the spine out of position to relieve pressure on either side of the brain which can cause symptoms of anorexia nervosa.

eating disorder treatment center california

An individual has the right to receive support from a variety of professionals including mental health professionals, counselors, therapists and nutritionists. In cases of eating problems, it’s important for the patient and the person helping them to be able to communicate effectively. If there is concern that the patient may have anorexia nervosa or bulimia, it’s important for everyone involved to get a diagnosis before starting any type of treatment or standard of care.