What Are the Causes of Overactive Bladder Syndrome?

If you have overactive bladder syndrome then you know how annoying and embarrassing it can be. The first step in trying to treat this condition is understanding what happens in the first place. There are many different causes responsible for this condition from certain foods irritating your bladder to underlying infections that you may be unaware of.

The first cause of overactive bladder syndrome is simply the muscles in your pelvic area getting weaker due to age. It’s not a surprise that most people who suffering from the condition are older. This can be dealt with by engaging in kegel exercises where you strengthen the muscles that you use while urinating. This eventually strengthens the muscles and puts a stop to the problem.

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The second cause can be an infection in the urinary tract. If you’ve had other symptoms such as pain urinating or your bladder feeling like it’s full, this may be an infection. Sometimes the symptoms are quite mild and you won’t suspect an infection. The best thing to do is to go to your doctor and find out what the problem is. If it is an infection, antibiotics can be used to clear it up fairly quickly.

The third cause of overactive bladder syndrome may be the kind of foods you are consuming. Spicy foods, alcohol, and foods with caffeine can all irritate your bladder. If you’ve noticed that your urge to go suddenly gets worse after eating such foods then you have to take steps to avoid them. Some people may have a milder form of the condition that turns worse after eating these foods.

The fourth cause of the condition is an obstruction of your bladder. This can be caused by inflammation or an enlarged prostate. If you’re dealing with overactive bladder syndrome, it’s important you get it check out as it may be caused by something more serious. Although it may seem like a minor problem, there may be underlying issues causing it.

There are many different solutions for dealing with overactive syndrome. There are both natural treatments as well as medication you can take. Nobody should live with this condition and accept it as a natural part of aging as it can be dealt with. It’s all about getting the diagnosis right and looking at the different options that are available.

The most important thing in dealing with overactive bladder syndrome is finding out what is causing the problem. All you have to do is to go to your primary doctor and get a referral to a urologist. In most cases, the cause of the condition will be something minor and you’ll be able to easily keep it in control.