What Is Travelling?

Travelling is the general movement of individuals between different geographical locations. Travelling can usually be done by car, bike, foot, train, plane, boat or other means, and is a one way or round trip travelling. There are different modes of transport available to suit different travelling needs. There are also many different ways of travelling: for example, there are flying and arriving by train, sea and land via boat, train, bus or plane, as well as walking or hiking along a trail. There are also ways of travelling within a country or within a city: for example, some people travel within a metropolitan area by road while others may prefer to take a bus or train.


So the question is, how do we know that a person has been travelling? The simplest way to know if a person has been travelling is to ask him or her directly, or through another form of communication such as a hand written note, or by calling up the person at his or her office, or stopping at a bus stop to ask if the bus is taking people to a particular destination. Another way is to check the tourist’s card or passport to verify that the person has been travelling. In some countries, travelling abroad requires a visa, especially if the trip is for a single day or longer. The same goes for those travelling over a long-term distance.

In conclusion, travelling is the general movement of individuals from one place to another. A person travelling is either leaving his or her immediate surroundings or moving from one point to another, either temporarily or indefinitely. Travelling is an essential part of human life, with the ability to travel serving many purposes, including business, social, educational and even romantic. It is estimated that in America alone, there are more than two and a half million overnight travellers.